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Department of Public Safety

Request to Serve Alcohol

In order to serve alcoholic beverages at events on the University of Montevallo campus, contact the Facility and Event Scheduling Office in Ramsay Hall at 205-665-6292 or

The University of Montevallo supports all federal, state and local laws relating to the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled and illegal substances. The unlawful possession, use, distribution, sale or manufacture of alcohol or illegal drugs on campus is strictly prohibited. The serving of alcohol for on campus events must follow specific guidelines.

The requesting party will take sole responsibility of the event and will be the main POC in the event of an emergency. The requester must also remain at the event location for the duration of the event. The requesting party will not partake of any alcoholic beverage while the event is in progress.

The service of alcoholic beverages is not the primary purpose of the event. Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be readily available.

Beer, wine and champagne are the only alcoholic beverages that can be served. No liquor will be allowed.

The user will not dispense alcoholic beverages by requiring sale or other exchange of money, and no container for receiving money shall be kept at any place adjacent to the area where beverages are dispensed.

Responsible beverage dispensers (21 years old or older) will set up and dispense such beverages, and thereafter properly dispose of unconsumed beverages. It shall be their responsibility to verify the legal drinking age of those served.

User will not allow its function participants to consume beverages in an open, public space. The user will provide, when required, appropriate signage indicating the space is closed to the public.

No person who appears intoxicated and no person who cannot prove by proper ID his/her age may be served.

University Police Officer(s) must be present for any event in which minors may be in attendance or if 50 or more people may attend. The requester of the event is solely responsible for paying the cost of hiring the number of required officers (officers require a four (4) hour minimum hire). The number of Officers necessary to manage the event will be at the discretion of the Chief of University Police or designee. A greater number of Officers may be required at events at which alcohol is to be served for more than two (2) hours. If event security is required, the officer(s) are to maintain a security presence and to respond to requests for intervention. They will maintain contact with the requester/(POC).